Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Perspective: Military. Friends-Giving. Family.

Kimberly Copeland, Psy.D.

On Thanksgiving Eve, I spent much of the day asking and hearing about other folk’s plans for Friends-Giving, ranging from the traditional turkey potluck to movie and shrimp scampi at a designated friend’s home. Whatever the plans, they are sure to include the camaraderie of friends – old and new – and a really good meal. This just goes to show you how military friends can create an impromptu family.

Staff Perspective: Highlights from “What We Know about Military Family Readiness: Evidence from 2007-2017”

Marjorie Weinstock, Ph.D.

A lot has been written on the importance of promoting readiness in the military population, but this concept of “readiness” can be applied to military families as well. It is important that military family members are prepared to meet the challenges that accompany military life, which in turn, helps to ensure that their Service members can be “mission ready.” In March of 2018, “What We Know about Military Family Readiness: Evidence from 2007-2017” was published, which summarized the literature on military family readiness from the past 10 years. 

CDP News: 22 November 2019

Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News! We like to use this space to review recent happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology, while also looking ahead to upcoming events. We're heading into the final week of November and getting excited about Thanksgiving.
